Matthew Grayson, RDH
Dental Hygienist
My wife, son, and I are like the Three Stooges; we like to pick on each other and have fun. We are excited to have a little bundle of joy on the way; my son is extremely excited to have a baby brother. We have lived in the Burley area for a few years and are looking to make it permanent.
I am a busybody and I like to fix problems, whether they be handyman, math, honey-do’s, or work. I love being able to help someone with their habits, home care, or oral disease. When a patient hugs me and tells me “Thank you”, it is awesome.
I love working for Family Health Services because of everything! I know that is vague, but it is true. They have a patient-centered practice that is really reaching out and doing what is best for the patient. The work-family that you develop is wonderful. Awesome family practice where all your needs can be met!